Wednesday, January 16, 2013


[written and sent as email to friends on Jan 10, 2013]

One of my resolutions this year involves going on a missions trip, specifically to advance God's kingdom through sharing the Gospel and the love of Christ. I didn't know how or when but I told myself if I was called to go, I would. Overseas missions was always something that I thought about but never really had the courage or even passion to partake in. But God changes hearts, even stubborn ones like mine :) So with much prayer and faith-stretching reliance on God, next month, I will be serving at an orphanage in a village in Honduras for 9 days (February 9-17)!

I'll be working for Miqueas 6.8 which is a non-profit organization run by a couple, Joby and Melody Cherian, who moved to Honduras from New York. The organization is based on what we're called to do in Micah 6:8, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly. In 2009, Joby and Melody started with 10 kids and now they take care of approximately 40 children between the ages of 10 months and 14 years. The orphanage provides education, food, shelter and basic necessities for these kids through donations and projects.

There are so many ways you can help these children and here are 3 that come to mind:

1. Prayer: What would we do, where would we be without prayer! Would you please pray for these children? For their salvation and their understanding of God the creator, Christ the Saviour and the Holy Spirit to be real and biblically solid. For their physical and mental health to be sustained in every way through God's provision. 

2. T-shirts: Kids run through clothing like crazy! They would like us to concentrate on bringing t-shirts for the kids in various sizes. Would you please consider donating new t-shirts for them? If you want to donate t-shirts but don't want to physically get them, I can get them for you with your contributions of $10, $20 or more! Any money you give me will go straight to supplies for the kids. If you know someone or work for a company that would like to contribute clothing, please let me know. We need 30-40 shirts for boys and girls in sizes 2-3, 4-6 and 10 shirts for boys and girls in sizes 8-10 and 10-14. Just email me for pick-up or more info :)

3. Monetary donations: if you'd like to support Miqueas 6.8, visit under "Ways to help" and look under the heading "Financial Gifts" to donate to the organization.

More than anything I would love if you committed to praying for the following with me:

1. Please pray for safety as I travel to San Pedro Sula, Honduras and to the village. That God-willing, nothing would harm me physically and spiritually while I'm there. Unfortunately, Honduras has the highest murder rate in Central America and Peace Corps were evacuated last year due to drug trafficking and gang violence.   

2. I need so much faith and courage to be obedient to Him. Please pray that I would constantly keep God's purpose in my mind as the trip approaches and not forsake Him for personal comfort.

3. I am not a trained teacher by any means but pray that as I interact with the kids I would be able to teach them the Word of God and share the Gospel in a way that they can understand.

There are so many things I'm seeking from the Lord right now but those are on the forefront of my mind right now. As always, I would love to hear from you!

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