Sunday, February 3, 2013


this past week has been filled with many opportunities to meet up with friends, some whom i haven't heard from in a while and some whom i see weekly. needless to say i was physically tired but each time i was so encouraged by Christ-centered conversations and rejuvenated through a time of prayer and left carrying bags of tshirts :)

this trip has been a great tool to talk to people about Christ and why i'm taking vacation days to go take care of children. i think in the midst of the busyness certain things have preoccupied my mind. i'm constantly thinking of where i can get t-shirts, how many i have and how many more i need to get. i want to fulfill their every physical need. but i was sharply reminded today how much more i need to pray for these kids' spiritual needs. for melody and joby. for honduras. 

O Lord, how i desire for your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. it's not about what i want to do for these kids but what You have already done for them. You, Yourself gave up your only Son so that whoever believes in Christ Jesus would not perish but have eternal life. an abundant life of knowing You and worshiping You. i long for these children to comprehend the depth, height, width and length of Your love for them. i pray for your Spirit to strengthen the hands and feet of your faithful servants. may their joy increase exponentially as they serve you wholeheartedly in honduras and may their comfort come from Your word and from You alone. Father give me eyes to see what You want me to do and boldness to speak truth even if it might not be received with joy. thank you for providing a way for me to go. thank you for increasing my faith as i prepare. Lord, nothing in my hand i bring, simply to the cross i cling...


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