Sunday, February 24, 2013

sunday of departure.

i wake up to piggie grunting about and realize it's my last morning here. i'm saddened as i get ready for church in the village but was excited to see everyone in their sunday best. as i walk over to the house i find out that the little kids weren't going to church today because the sunday school teacher was sick (i don't know how they found out since there's no telephone) the older kids were going to church but we couldn't join them because otherwise we'd miss our flight...though that would have been preferable lol. i played with them one last time and said adios which was met with a lot of no's. so hard to leave!! there was so much to process, so much to reflect upon and too many emotions to suppress as i packed. 

chancho somehow got out of his gate and was roaming about. he actually followed me to his gate. i lured him how i would lure my pet dog, brady.

hasta luego little ones.

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