Tuesday, February 12, 2013


chalkdrawings. i think that's supposed to be spongebob squarepants??

the kids learned about Samson's strength given by the Spirit of the Lord. then each kid had an opportunity to pray at the front. so. cute.

the kids clamouring around jen to see a video on her phone. kids love technology.

underneath the mango tree.

finally the chancho! piggie!! i told estefani and jefferson they had to be responsible children before i let them into the pigpen aka a corner of the backyard.
all kids need are sticks to play.


  1. it took me a while to figure out which one was jen. those kids are all up on her. ah, the wonder of technology (:

    those kids are beautiful!
    these pictures say God is great, and you're having a wonderful time.

  2. Praying for you and over everything shared in this blog! The selfish part of me can't wait for you to come back to share stories, but I'm actually praying for time to pass really slow so you can really soak up the experience, the environment, the people, teammate and how God is working over there.
