Sunday, February 24, 2013


jen and i brought so many donations of tshirts, dresses and things for kids that we filled two luggages each! when we went to check in, for some reason american airlines gave us free baggage check for up to 2 luggages. praise the Lord! what a blessing :) i don't think we realized that we then had to organize all the donations. and that's what we did today. we went up to their storage room and there were boxes and boxes and tubs upon tubs of donations from other people. our goal was to organize all the boxes for them. and we tried our best but the heat up there only allowed us to work a little faster than a snail's pace. sometimes we came across items for winter and seeing how they don't experience a true winter in this village, i don't see how a fleece onesie or a winter puffy jacket will benefit these children. so they are planning on donating all the donations that don't suit their need to the people up in the mountains in honduras where it does get colder. such a spirit of sharing and caring here. i love it! 

view from the top floor of the building. one of the few buildings here that had a second level in honduras.

jefferson helping out with anderson's chores. really cute to see how anderson can convince his younger siblings to help him complete his chores.

estefani and i in the morning while all the other toddlers are getting tutored. she's a bit too old for that so we hang out instead. sometimes she sees the staff psychologist instead to chat.

the kids making jen do push-ups. joby disciplines the kids in the form of a circuit of physically demanding tasks such as squats, pushups, and running laps. no physical or emotional abuse is used to discipline the kids given their backgrounds and past experiences of that in their own homes. the kids sometimes pretend to be joby and the kid being disciplined and take turns running laps and doing push-ups. really cute! but meant to be taken seriously lol.
every kid and staff person gets a cake for their birthday. with 38 kids and 17 staff members that's a lot of cake! we had 3 cakes this week alone :) and there's no complaining from this cakelover! feliz compleanos= happy birthday. i messed up jen's beautiful writing by accident when i tried to "decorate" the cake. the heat made the icing a lot softer and it kind of fell onto jen's handiwork. sorry!

jen, jessler and little carmencita during night time worship.
trying on some sunglasses :)

jeffer playing around in the staff house. the little kids don't have school in the morning so sometimes they wander into the house and hang out. they're so cute!! 

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