Tuesday, February 19, 2013

finally home.

after missing our connecting flight in miami, jen and i are finally home. we ended up spending one night at the ramada inn in miami to wait for the first flight back to toronto. we were stuck in line at the miami international airport to redo customs, security and baggage check and with 30 minutes left to boarding, we heard those four dreaded words, "you missed your flight". 

but now that we're home, i just want to go back. weird isn't it? i don't feel like i can accurately convey how God is working there and the work that God has done in my heart. i feel like recounting the events wouldn't capture what it felt like to experience the kids' joy and love at miqueas 6.8, although the pictures and blogging help :) 

i think when people go on missions they expect to help people and give them things and teach them how to be "better" with plans to "fix" them. but this trip has helped me understand how BIG and AWESOME our God is. i have been given a new perspective on the way i'm living and my purpose in life. and i've learned that prayer and sole dependence on God is what makes a missions trip successful. it's all about Him.

thanks for reading, i'll try to post more pics in the next few days.

thank you for all your prayer and financial support.

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