Sunday, February 24, 2013


how does the weekend differ from the weekdays here at miqueas 6.8? more play time!! but they try to make it purposeful play time. the kids sleep in a little bit but still have chores to complete. clay comes in and teaches them a bible lesson. today they made a video of samuel being called by the Lord. it was so cute! surprisingly i felt like i understood everything even though it was all in spanish. elsie ran some games for them to burn off some of their energy.  there were 5 kids that did really well in school: carmen, heidy, douglas, cristian and gereson. some also won awards for their behaviour in school so melody and joby decided to take them out for the night to reward them. they emphasized that this treat was predominantly for their good behaviour. they didn't want the kids to think that they would get external rewards every time they did well in school because that is a basic expectation for them. the kids were so excited and dressed up in their new tshirts. we drove to the mall and they got to pick one activity to do and they got a kids meal from wendy's to themselves. heartwarming moment: the kids praying for their meals and carmen sharing her fries with me. we also stopped by the grocery store where i picked up 6 bags of plantain chips, zambos! they're so yummy. maybe because they're loaded with msg...i still like them :)

these kids run SO fast.
caught red-handed again!

neberley picking up all the kids worksheets that they keep throwing through the fence.

tia hilda with the kids.

jessler wanted me to pick him up.

elsie explaining target practice.

pulling her weight by bringing in the milk delivery. the cutest part was when we asked her who the milk was for and she said "for the little babies" meaning she thought she was beyond milk. so cute.

keylin underneath the mango tree.

joby and melody with their small family of 5 kids for the night. one seventh of their regular brood.

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