Sunday, February 24, 2013


by now i think i've finally got the kids' schedules down. the big kids (11-14 years old) wake up for school around 5:00am. they shower, get dressed in their uniforms and eat breakfast to be ready to go by 6:00am. then they are driven to their respective schools to start learning by 7:00am. some of the kids get home by 1:30pm and some get home by 3:30pm. then they do their homework and chores and spend time with walker, the tutor. the little toddlers have a different schedule. they have a later wake up time and are dressed and fed and then have a playtime. then some of them go with elsie, the intern from atlanta, for tutoring and activity time. (some days they see the staff psychologist) that's followed with a bible story from tio clay clay and then it's lunch! the rest of the day is taken up by naptime, play time, eating time and worship and prayer time before they go to sleep. the days have been flying by.
i started out love day by reading the loveday card my sistah snuck into my luggage. i also ate a combination of cereal every morning which was all sugar but so good!

jessler being jessler!
left to right: juan, estefani, neberley, nathan, marvin, jessler.


my little troublemakers. so. cute.

jefferson loves the chalk.
since today is the day of love and friendship in honduras, melody wanted to do something nice with the kids and let them each make a card and give it to one of their brothers and sisters. this in theory was simple but with 38 kids and staggered schedules, it was a bit harder for jen and i to execute. at one point when we were surrounded by 8 kids at one table all trying to make cards, let's just say we were overwhelmed. but by God's grace we figured out a system and each kid had a secret person. (we ended up handing out the cards to each other the next night since it took a while to make them) 

anderson, juan and jessler making cards.

jen and karen working together :)

the tias make all the kids' meals from scratch. including the corn tortillas! you should see them pounding these things out. it's not easy. they were so sweet and hardworking. love their love for the kids.

estefani with her older sister carmen. carmen came here first and later were reunited at miqueas. estefani had some asthma problems and had trouble breathing which is why she doesn't look too happy here. they love each other though. carmen will come home and bring snacks for estefani to try that she acquired at school.

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